The threat of global warming posed by fossil fuels, as well as their negative environmental impact, necessitates a global search for alternative energy sources and fossil fuels are gradually being replaced by renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal.
Renewable energy, defined as energy obtained from natural sources and constantly replenished by nature, and also known as sustainable energy, is a type of energy that can be used indefinitely without relying on a source that depletes as a result of use.
Renewable energy sources help to protect the environment by lowering carbon emissions and, since they are local sources, they reduce dependence on energy imports and contribute to employment.
Biomass, also referred to as biological mass, is a renewable energy source that is organic and that may be utilized to generate electricity and power after going through a number of pre-processing steps. The fact that biomass sources can be stored gives them an advantage over other forms of renewable energy.
By reducing reliance on energy imports while creating more employment opportunities and sustainability, energy generation from biomass sources presents new potential for every sector of the economy. Additionally, continuous and consistent supply of biomass is critical for the long-term sustainability of renewable energy.
Sustainable biomass use for electricity generation benefits a variety of areas, including rural development, the creation of new income sources, new employment opportunities, reduced fossil fuel use and import dependency, climate change prevention, lower greenhouse gas emissions, biological diversity, soil use, and water and air pollution control.